Others - Page 2 of 5 - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos for the ‘Others’ Character

  • The Talking Magpies (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 4

Mr. and Mrs. Magpie find a new place to live and prove to be very bad neighbors. Story by John Foster. Music by Philip A. Scheib. Produced in 1946.

  • Play Safe (Le Petit Mécano) (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 0

A young boy is playing in the yard with some toy trains under the watchful eye of his pet dog. A real train rolls by and he runs off to get a closer look…

  • The Cobweb Hotel (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 1

Newlywed flies go to stay at the Cobweb Hotel which is run by a hungry spider. Animation by David Tendlar and William Sturm. Music by Sammy Timberg and Bob Royhberg. Produced in 1936.

  • Private SNAFU: Spies (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

A cartoon in which Private Snafu, while drunk, reveals military secrets that allow the enemy to torpedo his ship.
This is one of 26 Private SNAFU (‘Situation Normal, All Fouled Up) cartoons made by the US Army Signal Corps to educate and boost the morale of the troops…

  • Cheese Burglar (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 8

A cat and a dog team up to outwit Herman the mouse.

  • Hep Cat Symphony (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 7

A group of mice living within the walls of a house forms an orchestra. However, the music disturbs the cat who also lives there, so the cat sets out to eliminate the mice.


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