1940s - 4/7 - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘1940s’

  • Superman: The Bulleteers (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 1

Extortionists with a super-powerful bullet-shaped flying rocket car threaten destruction to Metropolis. At first they seem to defeat even Superman, but their capture of Lois Lane spurs him to new efforts…

  • Doggone Tired (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 14

The hunting dog is haunted by the rabbit after the rabbit overhears the hunter telling the dog: You’ll never catch that rabbit unless you get a good night’s sleep.

  • Porky’s Midnight Matinee (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 3

Porky Pig unwittingly lets loose a trained, mischievous African Pigmy Ant backstage. Produced in 1941.

  • Merry Melodies: Fresh Hare (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 4

Bugs Bunny is wanted “dead or alive” by the Mounted Police, led by Elmer Fudd. Animation by Manuel Perez, story by Michael Maltese, supervising producer I. Freeleng. Produced in 1942.

  • Merrie Melodies: A Tale of Two Kitties (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 8

Babbit and Catstello, take-offs on Bud Abbott and ‘Lou Costello’ try to catch the little Tweety bird, using everything from stilts to dynamite. Trouble is, the tiny bird has a vicious streak in him.

  • Popeye: Poopdeck Pappy (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 1

Popeye’s pappy, age 99, wants to go out at night; Popeye wants him to sleep. Popeye tries leg irons, but Pappy manages to put them on Popeye and sneak out to a sleazy bar…


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