bimbo - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘bimbo’

  • Betty Boop: My Wifes Gone to the Country (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

This Cartoon was released in (1931) it features different characters mainly a male role and who isn’t bimbo for once.

  • Betty Boop: Jack and the Beanstalk (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 7

Voice by Ann Rothschild aka Little Ann Little. Betty gets top billing in Jack & the Beanstalk because she was the bigger star by the latter part of 1931, but second-billed Bimbo plays the title role & has the larger amount of screen time.

  • Betty Boop: Bamboo Isle (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 33

After a short live action performance by the Royal Samoans, Bimbo appears on screen playing a ukelele while riding in a motorboat…containing a topless (except for a strategically placed lei) and dark-skinned Betty Boop.


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