famous studios - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘famous studios’

  • Hector’s Hectic Life (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

A messy family dog is told by its owner that it will be thrown out in the cold, after three puppies show up on the doorstep, complicating the dog’s life. The owner, thinking the dog is responsible for the mess, finally discovers the puppies…

  • Little Lulu: Cad and Caddy (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 6

Lulu plans her revenge against a distressed golfer who refuses to give her a lollipop after he promised her one for caddying for him.

  • Little Audrey: The Lost Dream (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 13

Little Audrey is warned by Petunia the housekeeper not to read by moonlight, or she will have bad dreams. Of course, Little Audrey doesn’t believe it.

  • Little Audrey: Butterscotch and Soda (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

Little Audrey would rather eat candy than a nutritious lunch. She dreams about going to a candy land where she eats too much candy and gets the “tummy ache blues”

  • Little Audrey: Goofy Goofy Gander (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

Little Audrey, in the schoolroom, is sent to the corner stool to memorize Mother Goose rhymes. She falls asleep and dreams that she gets a tour of Mother Goose Land by Mother Goose herself.

  • Cheese Burglar (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

A cat and a dog team up to outwit Herman the mouse.


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