walter lantz - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘walter lantz’

  • Boy Meets Dog (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 10

A Walter Lantz cartoon from the 1930s. “This cartoon, based on the “Reg’lar Fellers” comic strip, was originally made for Ipana Toothpaste and was going to be released theatrically. It never got released to theaters…

  • Woody Woodpecker in Pantry Panic (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 5

Weatherby Groundhog predicts a cold winter and advises all the birds to fly south. But Woody Woodpecker decides to stay, and nearly starves. Animation by Alex Lovy and Lester Kline, story by Ben Hardaway and L.E. Elliott, music by Darrell Calker.


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