Little Audrey - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos for the ‘Little Audrey’ Character

  • Little Audrey: The Lost Dream (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 0

Little Audrey is warned by Petunia the housekeeper not to read by moonlight, or she will have bad dreams. Of course, Little Audrey doesn’t believe it.

  • Little Audrey: Butterscotch and Soda (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 7

Little Audrey would rather eat candy than a nutritious lunch. She dreams about going to a candy land where she eats too much candy and gets the “tummy ache blues”

  • Little Audrey: Goofy Goofy Gander (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 2

Little Audrey, in the schoolroom, is sent to the corner stool to memorize Mother Goose rhymes. She falls asleep and dreams that she gets a tour of Mother Goose Land by Mother Goose herself.

  • Little Audrey: Tarts and Flowers (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 4

Little Audrey makes a gingerbread man, then takes a nap and dreams that the Gingerbread Man goes to cakeland where he tries to marry his sweetheart, Angel Cake. But Devil Food Cake interferes and carries off the bride…


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