fleischer - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘fleischer’

  • Betty Boop: So Does an Automobile (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 4

In this 1939 cartoon, Betty Boop runs a hospital for sick automobiles

  • Betty Boop: Ha! Ha! Ha! (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 7

Max Fleischer is working on a sketch of Betty at his drawing table, when quitting time arrives. After Betty says goodbye to “Uncle Max,” Ko Ko jumps out of the inkwell and finds an uneaten candy bar, which he promptly gobbles…

  • Popeye: Little Swee’ Pea (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 1

Popeye takes Sweet Pea to the zoo and spends most of his time rescuing the tot from the various animals.

  • The Cobweb Hotel (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 9

Newlywed flies go to stay at the Cobweb Hotel which is run by a hungry spider. Animation by David Tendlar and William Sturm. Music by Sammy Timberg and Bob Royhberg. Produced in 1936.

  • Superman: The Arctic Giant (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 6

The story runs nine minutes and covers Superman’s adventures defeating a Godzilla-like monster that terrorizes the city.

  • Popeye: I’m in the Army Now (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 6

Olive tells the boys she loves a man in a uniform, so they try to sign up at the recruiting station, but they can only take one. There follows a duel of clips from previous shorts as they attempt to prove who is the winner.


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