1930s - 3/13 - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘1930s’

  • Tom and Jerry: A Fireman’s Life (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 7

AKA “Hook & Ladder Hokum”, AKA “Fire! Fire!”. The firemen go to work but fail to save the house.

  • Popeye: Customers Wanted (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 8

Popeye and Bluto are running competing penny arcades, trying to bring in customer Wimpy. Of course, he would gladly pay Tuesday for a penny today.

  • Boy Meets Dog (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 1

A Walter Lantz cartoon from the 1930s. “This cartoon, based on the “Reg’lar Fellers” comic strip, was originally made for Ipana Toothpaste and was going to be released theatrically. It never got released to theaters…

  • Tom and Jerry: Swiss Trick (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 6

Tom and Jerry are aboard a train making its way up a mountain in the Swiss Alps. When their train breaks down, they’re spotted by a very thin St. Bernard, who brings the engine some liquor…

  • Tom and Jerry: Spanish Twist (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 3

Tom and Jerry (the human versions, not the cat and mouse) are on a raft in the ocean. After being attacked by an octopus and losing their raft, they wash up on the shores of Spain…

  • Red Riding Hood (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 8

An imaginative version of the old folktale, directed by Harry Bailey and John Foster. In this version of the story, Grandma’s got more bite than the wolf!


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