1930s - 4/13 - Free Cartoon Videos


Cartoon Videos Tagged ‘1930s’

  • Tom and Jerry: Rocketeers (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 5

Arguably the most consistently inventive of all the Tom and Jerry cartoons, Rocketeers doesn’t let up for a second, from a telescope that wants to rebel and an octopus band next to fishing skeletons.

  • Tom and Jerry: Redskin Blues (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 3

Plot taken from IMDb: Tom and Jerry find their wagon west attacked by Indians, but escape only after being rescued by all the branches of the military, including the Army’s tanks.

  • Tom and Jerry: Piano Tooners (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 8

Tom and Jerry (the human versions, not the cat and mouse) work as piano tuners. After seeing them at work and several creative ways of tuning a piano (such as removing the offending key and cutting the key itself to a shorter length), the two attend an opera singers performance.

  • Tom And Jerry: Plane Dumb (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 6

After crash landing in Africa, Tom and Jerry masquerade as Africans in a futile attempt to adapt to a strange environment.

  • Tom And Jerry: Pencil Mania (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 4

This Tom and Jerry cartoon (the human versions, not the cat and mouse) is an opportunity for the animators to have fun with the medium. There is no specific plot.

  • Superman: The Magnetic Telescope (Free Cartoon Videos) - Thumb 3

When police interfere with a reckless scientist’s experiment, it creates a deadly meteor shower only Superman can stop.


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